I received this random postcard with coupons from P&G ( I have no idea how, I didn't sign up for it) , anyway, it had a coupon for a FREE 11 0z. bottle of new Gain dish soap which will be in stores this August...I had never heard of this dishsoap before so I decided to "google" it & see what other information I could find....to my surprise, I stumbled upon a Walmart sampling event for this new dish soap, evidently they will be handing out free 11 0z. samples as well!!! That's a pretty good size sample...(the FREE Dawn with Olay dishsoap we've been getting free at CVS with the Home Made Simple coupons are around 9 oz., so it's even a little bigger than that, woohoo!!)
Did anyone else get this awesome coupon in the mail this week???!!!?
The Walmart sampling event will run anywhere between 7/22-7/25/10, you can check if there are any participating stores near you [HERE]
***for my local readers: looks like the only store participating is the SuperCenter in Modesto (on McHenry Ave)...which will actually be on Saturday the 24th, from 11 am-4pm.
I actually got it a few weeks ago along with a $1.50 off Mr. Clean Sprays and Dilutes to use now and another coupon good in August too, for something Febreze but I can't remember exactly what at the moment. LOL I don't know how I got it either but I'll take it.
...Oh, yea i got those extra coupons too but I was mostly excited about the freebie coupon...lol :)
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