I think I'm about to go crazy!!!! Why? Well, Sunday morning we bought our weekly paper and come to find out the only insert in there was the RedPlum....No SmartSource??? No P&G??? Ok, now, this is getting old...I'm soooo sad, this is NOT the first time this has happened. I have reason to believe there's a coupon "bandit" working for our local paper...>The Modesto BEE: The first time coupons went missing (If i remember correctly) was when the infamous $4 Nivea bodywash coupons were supposed to be out (essentially FREE at Walmart & several other places)...Missing in action!!! The WHOLE insert was missing!!!! Fast Forward to the week when we would be getting the BOGO M&Ms coupon (free at CVS that week).....WHOLE insert missing, and now the P&G which was supposed to have the $1 Gain dishsoap coupon...WHOLE insert missing....call me crazy, but I think there's a pattern going on.....What do you think???
I know a girl that used to work delivering papers and she said each person who had a "route" would have their stacks of papers, ads, coupon inserts and they would have to put the Paper together before delivering....I'm wondering if the person doing my area (Turlock) is keeping the "HOT" inserts??? My sister got hers in Manteca the week the M&Ms coupons were coming out and she DID get all the coupons ,so I know it's not because of regional differences, plus I have a couple co-workers who save me their inserts, so I know I was supposed to get them! I'm going to be making a phone call in the morning....hmmmm....I have to get to the bottom of this!! LOL
i used to work with my uncle delivering paper and the inserts come inside when you pick up the papers from the truck if the paper was late for a super hot story we would have to put them in and since we were late we would do it in a hurry and sometimes miss an insert in the rotation. :/ Sorry this happen to you!
Maria, thanks for the comment, that could be the case....I just pray each week I get all the inserts in the coupon preview...lol...maybe I should subscribe instead....
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