***Participating stores only are doubling coupons this week.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Pond's face wipes 29 cents!!!
***Participating stores only are doubling coupons this week.
Huggies Enjoy the Ride Rewards program
Pull-ups wipes 67 cents @ Walmart!!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Free box of Always Infinity Pads.....
Herbal Essences Facebook Freebie...
Monday, September 28, 2009
Target now giving bag credits!!!
Freebie: Kerasal Foot Cream
FREE All Small & Mighty!
Easy Coupon Freebie!
***Many cashiers will try to give you a hard time about getting the small packet of Tide free with a coupon, I usually point out to them "The coupon says its good for ANY SIZE", then they usually end up honoring the coupon.
FREE Eukanuba puppy food!
Coupon Alert-Local
*Expires 12/31/09!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Last Minute trip to Rite Aid.... 9/26/09
..::Weekly Mailbox Freebies::.. (9/20-9/26/09)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
FREE entree at Panda Express!!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
kmart doubles back next week!!!!
Following are the restrictions:
Sunday, September 20, 2009
.::Weekly Mailbox Freebies::. (9/13-9/19/09)
- 1 Stayfree Overnight pad w/ a $1 coupon.
- 2 new Always Flexistyle pantiliners & reg. Infinity pad w/ a $1 Q.
- 4 Serenity/Tena pantiliners.
- Being Girl sample kit: Included 1 Long Always Infinity pad, 2 Tampons, 2 thin pantiliners, 1 feminine wipe &&& a coupon for a FREE package of Always Infinity Pads (up to 18 count). I love that coupon!!!
.....And now the rest of my freebies, I also got:
- my first issue of the FREE Shape magazine subscription I earned.
- 1 Load of new Gain with Febreze laundry detergent w/ $1 coupon.
- Kashi cereal sample w/ a $2 coupon.
- 2 Hallmark card samples from Walmart.
- Coupon booklet from SC Johnson + coupon for a Free Glade Sense & Spray starter kit.
- 2 coupons for $2 off ANY Huggies product from Kimberly Klark...yay! Since they're for any Huggies product I'll be able to use them for free wipes at Walmart maybe!!! In case your wondering how I got those coupons, well, I emailed them to say how much I love Huggies diapers because they don't leak like others I've tried....so they just sent me a "thank you" note with the coupons included.... sometimes It pays to contact companies to let them know you like their products!!!
So, how did you do this week???
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Free Magazine subscription....
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
FREE Portrait package @ Picture People....
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sears- $10 coupon!!!
Cheap Chef Michael's dog food @ Target!!!
Cheap Van de Kamp's fishsticks @ Walmart!!!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
.:Weekly Mailbox Freebies:. (9/6-9/12/09)
-Free Oprah "O" magazine w/ coupon inside for a FREE Estee lauder foundation sample!
- 2 Cards for a FREE cotton panty @ Victoria's Secret!
-Stayfree pad sample w/ a $1 coupon!
-NoDoz sample w/ a $1 coupon!
-2 packets of Emergen-C multi-vitamin drink mix!
-FREE $25 Rite Aid gift card! (was supposed to be, buy $50 in select products and get a $25 gift card), but I earned credit towards this rebate by getting FREE Stayfree Pads w/ coupons!!! Details HERE.