Are you a member of RecycleBank yet??? If not, I would suggest you sign up now, it's FREE to join. (Click HERE). Plus, you'll quickly, easily earn great rewards and freebies! What's RecycleBank?
RecycleBank is a website community of individuals who are passionate about "Going Green". Whether you send in your old electronics, or simply click and Learn a few things about recycling and reducing waste, you'll earn points towards rewards of your choice. (Learn more about, here)
I just watched a video and took a couple short (super short) quizzes, and eventhough some of my answers were incorrect, I would still get the points!! I've earned over 100 points in less than 10 minutes! I looked through the rewards, and I found coupons available at McDonald's for a "FREE Premium Salad w/ the purchase of a Happy Meal", or "FREE McCafe Smoothie" worth 100 points. Pretty good since it's almost effortless to earn! Plus you learn some interesting facts, too! :) Interested??
Here are the steps:
-Go HERE and sign up
-Click on "Earn Points" tab at the top
-Choose your quiz or video, and start earning points! On occasion, you'll see simple 5 pt. quizzes to the right of the screen, be sure to do those as well.
-Once you've earned enough points, click on "Get Rewards" and scroll through to choose your prize! (many different point values).
-If you have any other questions, please ask!
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